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Python Package

In the last post I discussed about Python Module. From last post we came to know that a Python module is simply a Python source file, which can expose classes, functions and global variables.So, what is Package? The simple striate-forward answer is “A Python package is simply a directory of Python module(s).”

Make a Package

I assume that you are now familiar with module. When you are going to make a module you might have to make package. Hence, I show you how to build a package.


Suppose we are going to make a package name my_math. Actually my_math is a directory where we can keep one or more modules. Before put the modules we must create a file So, what is do? It initializes the package my_math. If you you import something like modules,classes and so on, you may write the name of them on it or you may keep it empty. However, you must create a in package directory and it’s subpackage directories. The my_math package directory structure is look like following


Again we make another module named arith. We must create inside the arith directory also. We also include a file named

Finally, create another module named geo and include two files named , Final view of my_math package is like following:


Use A Package

If we want use the geo module of my_math package we have write as following at the top of file.

import my_math.geo


again, if we want use the methods inside imported module, we have use a dot(.) module name and then method name

import package_name.module_name.file_name.function_name


suppose you want to use area method of of geo module, you may impoert the function as following:-

from my_math.geo.square import area

#use in code as below:

print ca ## area 15000

alternatively we can also import like this:-

import my_math.geo.square.area


print ca # area 15000


we can short the code using Alias :

import my_math.geo.square as square

print ca # area 15000


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